My Geek Code (v3.1) says....

GL d-(++) s+:+ a-- C+(++) !U P? L? !E W++ !N !o K--? w--- O+++ M+ !V !PS PE@ !Y !PGP !t !5 X++ R tv+(++) b++ DI+ !D G e h r y+

Geek: GL
I'm a geek of literature.
Dress: d-(++)
    I range from ...
I'm usually in jeans and a t-shirt.
    ... to ...
I tend to wear conservative dress such as a business suit or worse, a tie.
Shape: s+:+
I'm a little taller than most.
I'm a little rounder than most.
Age: a--
I'm between 20 and 24.
Computers: C+(++)
    I range from ...
Computers are fun and I enjoy using them. I play a mean game of DOOM! and can use a word processor without resorting to the manual too often. I know that a 3.5" disk is not a hard disk. I also know that when it says 'press any key to continue', I don't have to look for a key labeled 'ANY'.
    ... to ...
Computers are a large part of my existence. When I get up in the morning, the first thing I do is log myself in. I play games or mud on weekends, but still manage to stay off of academic probation.
Unix: !U
I refuse to use Unix.
Perl: P?
What's Pearl?
Linux: L?
What's Linux?
Emacs: !E
I don't use Emacs.
Web: W++
I have a homepage. I surf daily. My homepage is advertised in my .signature.
Usenet: !N
I don't use Usenet.
Usenet Oracle: !o
I don't consult the Usenet Oracle.
Kibo: K--?
_Unknown kibo code --?_
Windows: w---
Windows has set back the computing industry by at least 10 years. Bill Gates should be drawn, quartered, hung, shot, poisoned, disembowelled, and then REALLY hurt.
OS/2: O+++
I live, eat and breathe OS/2. All of my hard drives are HPFS. I am the Anti-Gates.
Macintosh: M+
A mac has it's uses and I use it quite often.
I don't use VMS.
Politics-Social: !PS
I don't have any social views.
Politics-Economic: PE@
    Varying wildly on this topic.
Cypherpunks: !Y
I am not a cypherpunk.
I don't use PGP.
Trek: !t
I don't watch Star Trek.
Babylon 5: !5
I don't watch Babylon 5.
X-Files: X++
This is one of the better shows I've seen. I wish I'd taped everything from the start at SP, because I'm wearing out my EP tapes. I'll periodically debate online. I've Converted at least 5 people. I've gotten a YAXA..
Roleplaying: R
Role-Playing? That's just something to do to kill a Saturday afternoon.
Television: tv+(++)
    I range from ...
I watch some tv every day.
    ... to ...
I just leave the tv on, to make sure I don't miss anything.
Books: b++
I find the time to get through at least one new book a month.
Dilbert: DI+
I read Dilbert daily, often understanding it
I don't play Doom.
Geek Code: G
I know what the geek code is and even did up this code.
Education: e
Finished High School
Housing: h
Friends come over to visit every once in a while to talk about Geek things. There is a place for them to sit.
Relationships: r
I date periodically.
Sex[m]: y+
I've had real, live sex.