My Geek Code (v3.1) says....

GCS/M/MU/L/H dpu s:- a+ C(++) UL++++$ P-(+++) L++++ E+++ W- N- o? w--- O- M- V- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP++ t? 5? X- R- !tv b++++ D G++ e+++ h++ r+++ y?

Geek: GCS/M/MU/L/H
I'm a geek of computer science.
   a geek of math.
   a geek of music.
   a geek of literature.
   a geek of humanities.
Dress: dpu
I wear the same clothes all the time, no matter the occasion, often forgetting to do laundry between wearings.
Shape: s:-
I'm the height of an average geek.
Everyone tells me to gain a few pounds.
Age: a+
I'm between 40 and 49.
Computers: C(++)
    I range from ...
Computers are a tool, nothing more. I use it when it serves my purpose.
    ... to ...
Computers are a large part of my existence. When I get up in the morning, the first thing I do is log myself in. I play games or mud on weekends, but still manage to stay off of academic probation.
Unix: UL++++$
I am the sysadmin. If you try and crack my machine, don't be surprised if the municipal works department gets an "accidental" computer-generated order to start a new landfill on your front lawn or your quota is reduced to 4K.
    I'm making money at this.
Perl: P-(+++)
    I range from ...
What's Perl got that awk and sed don't have?
    ... to ...
Perl is a very powerful programming tool. Not only do I no longer write shell scripts, I also no longer use awk or sed. I use Perl for all programs of less than a thousand lines.
Linux: L++++
I am a Linux wizard. I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for kernel debugging. I have so many patches installed that I lost track about ten versions ago. Linux newbies consider me a net.god.
Emacs: E+++
Emacs is my login shell!! M-x doctor is my psychologist! I use emacs to control my TV and toaster oven! All you vi people don't know what you're missing! I read alt.religion.emacs,, and comp.os.emacs.
Web: W-
The web is really a pain. Life was so much easier when you could transfer information by simple ASCII. Now everyone won't even consider your ideas unless you spif them up with bandwidth-consuming pictures and pointless information links.
Usenet: N-
News is a waste of my time and I avoid it completely.
Usenet Oracle: o?
What's the Usenet Oracle?
Windows: w---
Windows has set back the computing industry by at least 10 years. Bill Gates should be drawn, quartered, hung, shot, poisoned, disembowelled, and then REALLY hurt.
OS/2: O-
Tried it, didn't like it.
Macintosh: M-
Macs suck. All real geeks have a character prompt.
Unix is much better than VMS for my computing needs.
Politics-Social: PS+++
Legalize drugs! Abolish the government. "Fuck the draft!"
Politics-Economic: PE
Distrust both government and business.
Cypherpunks: Y+
I have an interest and concern in privacy issues, but in reality I am not really all that active or vocal.
I have the most recent version and use it regularly
Trek: t?
What's Star Trek?
Babylon 5: 5?
What's Babylon 5?
X-Files: X-
It's ok if you like paranoia and conspiracy stories, but, let's face it, it's crap.
Roleplaying: R-
Gosh, what an utter waste of time.
Television: !tv
I do not own a television.
Books: b++++
I read a book a day. I have library cards in three states. I have discount cards from every major bookstore. I've ordered books from another country to get my Favorite Author Fix.
I've played the game and I'm pretty indifferent.
Geek Code: G++
I know what each letter means, but sometimes have to look up the specifics.
Education: e+++
Got a masters degree
Housing: h++
Living in a cave with 47 computers and an Internet feed, located near a Dominoes pizza. See !d
Relationships: r+++
Found someone, dated, and am now married.
Sex[m]: y?
It's none of your business what my sex life is like.